As per the B.Tech ordinance, the scheme of evaluation for laboratory/Practical/workshop courses is as follows.
(i) Practice records/ output 60 Marks (internally by the college)
(ii) Regular class viva 10 Marks (internally by the college)
(iii) Final Written Test /Quiz 30 Marks(internally by the college)
However as per the decision of the Academic Committee, amendment to the above clause has been made as follows:
(i) practical records/ output 60 Marks (internally by the college)
(ii) Regular class viva 10 Marks (internally by the college)
(iii) Modified as Practical examination internally conducted by the college out of 30
marks (25 marks for practical examination and 5 marks for the Viva).
The practical Examination shall be conducted as per the schedule in the academic calendar with two examiners (need not be faculty member engaging the practical classes) from the department.
There is no need of writing fair records only. One record is needed which is to be written in the lab class itself after the completion of the experiments. No pre-printed records shall be used.
Regarding Design and Drafting labs, the end semester examination shall be on CADD if otherwise specified in the syllabus.