A student is permitted to avail break of study:
i) In case of accident or serious illness needing prolonged hospitalization and rest.
ii) In case the student has a bright idea and would like to initiate a start-up venture or
develop a product.
iii) In case of any personal reasons that need a break in study.
iv) For internship leading to employment.
For break of study due to illness,
student shall submit all necessary medical reports together with the recommendation of the doctor treating him giving definite reasons for break of study and its duration.
Before joining back, the student should submit the fitness certificate from the doctor who treated him
Students who want to initiate a start-up venture or a product development,
have to submit a project report, clearly indicating the purpose, action plan, technical details,
funding details and future plans to the college Principal.
The break of study for the start up shall be permitted only after the 4th semester for a
maximum duration of two semesters. This is however permitted only on successfully
completing the courses listed out in the first two semesters.
Students who require a break in study due to personal reasons shall convince the
Principal on the genuine need for it by giving authentic evidence for the same.
📌Students who require break in study for ‘internship leading to employment’ shall
produce the offer letter obtained from the employer concerned. The principal shall
verify the authenticity of the offer and submit his recommendation to the University
sufficiently in advance for approval. Only campus placed students with an annual
compensation more than 6 lakhs are eligible to avail this facility.
Students who require break in study for ‘internship leading to employment’ shall
produce the offer letter obtained from the employer concerned. The principal shall
verify the authenticity of the offer and submit his recommendation to the University
sufficiently in advance for approval. Only campus placed students with an annual
compensation more than 6 lakhs are eligible to avail this facility.