Apart from technical knowledge and skills, to be successful as professionals,, KTU has introduced activity points to be earned by the students during theiracademic stay at the University covering extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. All students have to earn a minimum of 100 activity points from various activity segments Listed to qualify for the B.Tech degree. Two credits are given for this on a pass/ fail basis and is mandatory for getting the B.Tech Degree.Colleges shall consolidate the activity points earned by students on a semester basis and enter the consolidated points on an academic year basis in the KTU portal. In case of NSS and NCC, points can be entered after the completion of two-year Programme. The portal for this will only be open for a specific time period. All documental proof for awarding the activity points should be obtained and kept with the college authorities to be verified by the Academic Auditor.
1. National Initiatives
2. Sports & Games
3. Cultural Activities
4. Professional Self Initiatives
5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
6. Leadership & Management
The following table gives the list of activities under each of these segments, the level of achievement expected, activity points, evidence needed to assign the points and the minimum duration needed for certain activities. *Level I College Events
*Level II Zonal Events
*Level III State/ University Events
*Level IV National Events
*Level V International Events
**Approval Documents: (a) Certificate (b) Letter from Authorities (c) Appreciation recognition letter (d) Documentary evidence (e) Legal Proof (f) Others (specify)
Who will award Student Activity Points?
The faculty advisor awards the Student Activity Points. This needs to be entered
by the Senior Staff advisor into the KTU e-Gov Portal